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pwshEmojiExplorer - Basics

Getting Started with pwshEmojiExplorer

To use pwshEmojiExplorer, you first need to install it from the PowerShell Gallery using the following command:

Install-Module -Name 'pwshEmojiExplorer' -Repository PSGallery -Scope CurrentUser

Finding Emojis

pwshEmojiExplorer makes it easy to search and find emojis based on various criteria such as name, group, and more. Here are some common ways to use it:

By Emoji Character

Find detailed information about a specific emoji by its character.

Get-Emoji -Emoji '😀'

Group             : Smileys & Emotion
Subgroup          : face-smiling
HexCodePoint      : 1F600
Name              : 😀
Description       : grinning face
ShortCode         : :grinning_face:
HexCodePointArray : {1F600}
UnicodeStandard   : {U+1F600}
pwshEscapedFormat : `u{1F600}
Decimal           : {128512}

By Group

Retrieve all emojis belonging to a specific group like 'Food & Drink'.

Get-Emoji -Group 'Food & Drink'

By Subgroup

Focus your emoji search on a specific subgroup.

Get-Emoji -SubGroup 'food-vegetable'

By Shortcode

Look for emojis using their shortcode.

Get-Emoji -ShortCode ':smiling_face_with_hearts:'

Group             : Smileys & Emotion
Subgroup          : face-affection
HexCodePoint      : 1F970
Name              : 🥰
Description       : smiling face with hearts
ShortCode         : :smiling_face_with_hearts:
HexCodePointArray : {1F970}
UnicodeStandard   : {U+1F970}
pwshEscapedFormat : `u{1F970}
Decimal           : {129392}

By Hex Code Point

Use hex code points to find emojis.

Get-Emoji -HexCodePoint '1F363'

Group             : Food & Drink
Subgroup          : food-asian
HexCodePoint      : 1F363
Name              : 🍣
Description       : sushi
ShortCode         : :sushi:
HexCodePointArray : {1F363}
UnicodeStandard   : {U+1F363}
pwshEscapedFormat : `u{1F363}
Decimal           : {127843}

By Decimal

Decimal code points can also be used for searches.

Get-Emoji -Decimal 128523

Group             : Smileys & Emotion
Subgroup          : face-tongue
HexCodePoint      : 1F60B
Name              : 😋
Description       : face savoring food
ShortCode         : :face_savoring_food:
HexCodePointArray : {1F60B}
UnicodeStandard   : {U+1F60B}
pwshEscapedFormat : `u{1F60B}
Decimal           : {128523}

Perform a broader search using a term.

Get-Emoji -SearchTerm 'fork' | Format-Table

Name  Group                  Subgroup               ShortCode
 ----  -----                  --------               ---------
 🍽️   Food & Drink           dishware               :fork_and_knife_with_plate:
 🍴   Food & Drink           dishware               :fork_and_knife:

Add Emojis to Text

Enhance your text by automatically adding emojis with the Add-EmojiToText function. This can add a playful or visually engaging element to your messages: This function scans the text for keywords and appends relevant emojis next to them.

$sampleText = "I am going to the airport tomorrow to fly on a plane to Spain. Before I take off I'm going to eat some food. I've heard they have good restaurants at the terminal. Hopefully they have something spicy. You know how much I like hot food! I'm so excited to see you! Can't wait to see you! Love you!"
$enhancedText = Add-EmojiToText -Text $sampleText
Write-Output $enhancedText

I am going to the airport tomorrow to fly 🦋 on a plane ✈️ to Spain. 🇪🇸 Before I take 🥡 off I'm going to eat 😅 some food. 😋 I've 😔 heard 🇭🇲 they have good restaurants at the terminal. Hopefully they have something spicy. You know how much I like hot 🥵 food! 😋 I'm so excited to see 🙈 you! 🤟 Can't wait to see 🙈 you! 🤟 Love 💌 you! 🤟

Getting All Emojis

To retrieve a comprehensive list of all available emojis, use the Get-AllEmoji function. By default, it returns only 'fully-qualified' emojis:


To include all types of emojis (including 'minimally-qualified' and 'unqualified'), use the -IncludeAll switch:

Get-AllEmoji -IncludeAll